Consulting -

Call, e-mail, or head over to the Contact page to request a quote or discuss a business project or consulting assignment. 

My credentials include an MBA in Marketing/Finance from Michigan State University, a BS in Education, and a BS in Electrical Engineering. Prior to becoming a consultant, I worked for leading corporations–including HP, Honeywell, Hubbell, Magnavox, Whirlpool, and Motorola. Positions I have held include Marketing Consultant, Design Engineer, Test Engineer, Project Manager, Product Manager, Marketing Communications Manager, and Sales/Marketing Director.

These leading corporations chose Jack Rendel to help solve their business and marketing problems.

Hewlett Packard Test Instruments

Honeywell Integrated Circuits

Hubbell Electric Power Systems

Intergraph EDA Enterprise Software

Intergraph Workstations

K & L Microwaves Crystal Filters

Magnavox Electronics Warfare

Motorola Integrated Circuits

Accent Technologies Documentation

AccuGuard Security Systems

ADTRAN Digital Electronics

American Precision Circuit boards

Bosch Aerospace Unmanned Blimps 


Chigago Signs and Displays

Decatur Electronics Police Radar

EECO Membrane Switches

ELSCO Utility Transformers

Fiscal Systems POS

Hall Bioscience Pharmaceuticals

MS SEDCO Sensors

National Ultrasound Medical 

Prestolite Electric Power Components

Rogers Bus Bars

SAFT Power Supplies

BOSS Photovoltaics

Newgy Recreational Products Industries


SECOA Technologies Coatings

SpectraLux Flight Deck Instruments

Time-o-Matic LED Displays

TOMAR Traffic Control

Wavetek Test Instruments

Whirlpool Appliances

Willow Jail Security Systems

United Dynamics Technologies

IntelliLink POS

Glenro Industrial Laminations

Maryland High Pressure Compressors

TEGAM Test Instruments

Kiwak Industries Instruction Programs